Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chapter 4: Are you insane?

Monday, Homeroom

"I think Tom is moving on. " Char told me boredly

"Really?" I told him, just as bored.

"He's been going out with all these tarts...really hot tarts.."

"Dumb sluts, you mean?"

We laughed.

Second Period, 10:30 am

"Hey girl hey!"
The faggy two greeted me.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored them.

Colin and Tony get tiring after awhile.

"Chris-tina! Guess what we heard?" Colin, the most obnoxious one shrieked.

"You're gayer than ever before?" I said dryly.

"NO! Char and Tom got into this huge fight yesterday, after school."


Why would they do that?

Lunch, Noon

"Char..." I asked slowly

"Yes?" He replied, flipping through Neurotic Teenagers magazine.

"Why did you and Tom fight?"

"He's an idiot. "
Char looked at me, "An idiot who needs to learn his place. A dumb jock that thinks he's entitled. So, obviously, I had to kick his ass."

As if on cue, Tom walked in with a black eye and a split lip.

"Ohmygod! Char...he looks busted." I shrieked!

Never before has Char lost his temper. He prides himself on being calm and collected. Also, he's under the delusion that he's badass.

Tom looked at us with a fierce glare.

"Why did you guys fight? Seriously. " I asked, with wonder.
Who knew Char could kickass?


"Are you insane?!Why would you fight over me?"


Char walked away.

Great. My best friend is becoming a barbaric neanderthal.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter 3: A Mix Up

Greek God approached my locker again. This time with some vapid blonde with a low cut shirt. Raising my eyebrows, I turned around and slammed my locker shut-walking away fast, away from the two idiots

Thursday, September 11. 4:30 pm
"It sounds like you were running away. " My therapist rose a brow, the way he does when we both know he's right.


"You have a date? " Greg asked in surprise.
Tom hasn't had a date since his 'Watson Obsession'
"Yes." Tom told him, folding his dirty laundry before putting it in his bag.
Greg and Brad looked at each other. "Just go with it." Brad mouthed.
"Is she cute?" Brad asked helpfully.
"I don't know yet. My mother set it up."
Another look was exchanged. Tom would go out with a dog, if it pleased his Mother.

Little did they know, it wasn't a date; but a therapy session.
At 4:30, his mother expected his mental health to start improving.
Rolling his eyes unconsciously, he started shaving- vertically, left cheek first

Flipping through her alternative magazine 'Neurotic Manipulative Teenagers' , as she drank her strawberry-mango smoothie, she chuckled at a section entitled 'How to manipulate your teacher for the "A" '
Glancing up when the door open, she was met with ugly, mesmerizing eyes.
"What are you doing here? She screeched, and he groaned.

My therapist came out , dressed in his pressed gray suit and looked at us.
"Susan must have mixed up the times. Would one of you like to wait, until the other's session is over?" He asked us.
That damn Susan, incompetent idiot~
Unable to keep the weary acceptance of the situation from his voice, Tom: "I'll wait."

Giving him a fleeting look, I grabbed my purse and walked into his office.


"That's Tom?" He asked, flipping to a fresh sheet on his notepad.
"That, indeed, is the bane of my existence." Making a 'Why so' gesture-or so she thought, I continued. "He's being queer., more so than usual. Prancing around with-" I said this in my posh, British accent- the one I acquired when visiting grandparents in England and got when I was nervous. "sluttish sophomores-and it's weirding me out." Turning me on
"Is that so? Anything else... " He asked
"Lorelai is being strange..."

"Tom, tell me why you are here."
Tom blinked, three time to show the blank response.
"Your mother set this appointment up. Do you know why?"
Shaking his head slowly, "She wants my mental health to improve. She's taking parenting class again.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapter Two: Approaching Lockers

Approaching her locker, was Tom in his blond Greek God beauty.
Sighing, she pushed him away, turning her ipod to full volume as to not hear him.
He pulled the headphones out of her ears, and whispered “Is that any way to treat your lover?”
She stared at him astonishingly, then gave him a fierce glare.
“What are you talking about?” she let out in an angry huff.
Still whispering, he pulled a strand of her curls. “Look around, babe. “
She did what he asked, and saw a dozen or so pair of eyes, pointing at them, whispering behind their notebooks.
“What the hell, Dugrey? What did you start? This is just like you- arrogant toad, stupid..”
He pushed her against the locker(not too gently, mind you!) “ I started nothing.” He loomed over her, intimidating for the first time. He was 6'1 and she a 5'3, what do you expect?

With a glare, he walked away.

Strangely turned on, wait...She was turned on by that ego-maniac?
Shaking her head to rid of these ludicrous thoughts, she made a mental note to discuss this with her therapist this Thursday
Homeroom. Wednesday 8:15 am
“Then, he just pushes me up against the locker like a complete barbarian and expects me to-” Christina was interrupted by the Faggy Two's squeals!
“To be turned on?” Colin asked
“To jump him?” Tony suggested, winking
“No and please. Guys, or whatever you two are, it was a little unnerving. I'm so used to him-”
“Kissing your ass?” Interjected Char who sat in his usual seat, on the right side of her. The Faggy Two were behind them, and Lorelai was on the left side- where is she anyhow?
As if reading her mind, Char announced “Lorelai is occupied at the moment.”
“Why?” I asked
“She was abducted by Stacy and Clinton?” Colin suggested
“For the sake of fashion, and our eyes, let's hope so!” Tony agreed.
Exchanging a look with Char, they dropped it.
Lorelai was prone to disappearances.
Weight Lifting, Wednesday 11:15
“That was quite a show you put on there, Dugrey.” Char walked up to the blond, smirking. Oh, he knew his game. He was going to use it on Christina when he wanted her back, but knew it was no good.
“What are you talking about, Smith?” Tom gruffed, in-between weights.
“I mean, you trying to catch Watson attention by getting the whole school, idiotic population ,(Tom rolled his eyes at this. Ever since middle school, Smith always had to be the rebel) to think you guys are together, however unsuited. Take my advice-”
“I won't.” Tom finished for him.
“Fine. Be that way.” Char told him, childishly but maintained a level of defiance.
“Why does it matter to you? He finally asked.
“I don't want to see her hurt.”
With that, Smith walked off to where the cheerleaders were practicing. For some so-called rebel, he really liked organized sluts.
Lunch, Wednesday, 12:20
“Lorelai!” Christina scolded. “Why do you look so pale? Have you been eating enough-”
Char laughed “Look at her gut, of course she has!'
Glaring at him, she continued “If you are sick, I'll call the school and pretend I'm your mother, so you can go home.”
Char, devious, “I forgot just how much you like to be in control.”
The Faggy Two giggled.
Christina blushed, remembering a particular time in a maid's costume.
Unknown to them, Tom was listening to their conversation, when he heard Char- he saw red.
Greg and Brad just laughed at Char's joke. They had a secret bet with him, on when Tom was going to snap when it came to Christina. Char said by the end of the semester, Greg and Brad bet on next year.
Christina looked up, sensing someone's eyes on her, when she did she caught Tom's blue eyes glaring.
Befuddled, she waved. “In doubt, mock, mock, mock.”

Home 3:35
“Honey, I just think he likes you.” My mom told me, trying to calm me down.
Before I came home, Tom blocked my way to the exit, moving ridiculously slow, and when I honked, he just put his arm around that twit, smirking in the rear-view mirror.
“He's such an insufferable egoist! I don't want him to like me.” I told her, crossing my arms.
I wanted to stomp my feet. 'I hate him. I hate him. I hate him'
“Honey, maybe you should ignore him? People tend to go away after awhile when they are ignored.”
“That's the point, Mom! The more I shun, the more I make apparently clear how much I detest him- the more he comes around. First, it was all sweet like ' Ooh, a puppy is following me home.' Then, it became annoying, and a little creepy, like 'Oh, shit! A stalker, he's hiding in the bushes and watching me take a shower, he's watching me paint my toe nails, and reading GASP twilight!”
My mother shook her head, letting out a little sigh. “Christina, don't you think you are being a little ridiculous?”
I narrowed my eyes, “Everything concerning Tom Dugrey is ridiculous, right down to his stupid, perfect smile- which I'm sure he got braces for, no matter how vehemently he denies it.”
My mother eyes glossed over, as if reaching a revelation.
“What, mother? Would you like to share your startling revelation?”
“How do you know?” She asked me, curious.
“You get that same look when you know the cute delivery guy is coming, instead of the balding, perverted one.” I told her, matter-of-factly.
“Oh, very well. I think you are growing fond of the attention.”
“Fond? Fond? Of him?He's the bane of my existence. You hear that, Jesus? The BANE!”
“Yes, mother?”
“Be sure to talk about this with your therapist tomorrow afternoon.”
I rolled my eyes, but leaned over to make a note on a sticky note.

author's note: I'm getting the hang of a long story! I think it's only going to be 12 chapters. Things will really heat up next chapter, I promise.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chapter One:Go Away

Author’s note: It’s been awhile since I wrote a Tom and Christina (now it’s Matthew and Emma!) but, I miss the characters. Here you go.
Go away, it’s another way to say I love you. A Tom and Christina Story.

Standing in front of her locker was a blonde boy of Greek God traits, and the cockiness that came with it.
Sighing exasperatedly, she approached her locker.
“Christina, you are looking really cute today.” He said when she was within three feet of him.
Rolling her brown eyes, she ignored him.
“I mean it, really, really cute.”
She snorted (very ladylike mind you)”Your limited vocabulary astounds me.” She told him before pushing him away from her locker.
“You’re so smart and cute.” He smiled at her, all perfect.
“Whatever.” She did her combination to her locker, and grabbed her books.
“Let me carry that for you.” Greek Boy tried to take her heavy AP History books from her, but she clutched it tightly. “No, I wouldn’t let you yesterday, and I won’t let you today or ever. “
Looking like a properly scolded little boy, he slouch his shoulders and turned away.
“You sure?” He said, turning back.
Gritting her teeth, “I’m most certain.”
Flipping her chestnut curls (making sure it slapped him), she stalked off.
“He’s so annoying.” She complained to her best friend, Lorelai. “I wish he would just leave me alone.”
Lorelai rolled her eyes. “He likes you, Christina. “
Christina rolled her eyes.
“Raise your hand if you think Tom likes Christina.”
Half the class, who were shamelessly listening to the pretty girls conversation, rose their hands.
The two gay boys, affectionately known as “Faggy Twos”, giggled. “He wants to make love in the rain!” The skinny one said.
Christina rolled her eyes, and responded with. “That’s absolutely ridiculous, and where did you hear that, Colin Zimm?”
Colin just giggled.
Tony Zabini, the second half of the “Faggy Twos.” Answered for him. “You know Col likes making things up for his gay amusement. “
Colin slapped his hand, Tony slapped back. It ended up being a prissy fight of hand slapping.
“Embarrassing to the male population.” Her ex-boyfriend, Char whispered to her.
“Agreed.” Lorelai acknowledged.
“Uh, I wasn’t talking to you. Lesbian.” Char snapped.
“I don’t understand why-“ she started, but was interrupted.
“That Lorelai is a big fat dyke?” Char interrupted her. “Look at the state of her hair! Is she competing with Rosie O’Dyke? And she wears sports bras-(“HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?”Colin shouted across the room.) which doesn’t matter because she has the chest of a 10 year old boy.”
“Enough. You are going to make my best friend cry!” Christina reprimanded her handsome ex, but couldn’t stop the smile that was creeping on her face. That was one of the reasons why they got together, his biting wit was intriguing. So unlike Tom’s(ugh! Why am I comparing them?) jock, tasteless humor.
Lorelai wasn’t listening, she was talking to an equally lesbianic girl.
When Char and Christina saw this, they burst into laughter.
“Dudeeeeeeee.” Greg, one of Tom’s football teammates said. “You are still after Watson? It’s been, like, two years and you didn’t get any ass. She does have a nice one though.”
“Agreed.” Brad, another teammate confirmed.
“Hey, you can’t help who you fall for.” Tom told them, folding his dirty gym shorts before putting it his bag.
Greg and Brad shared a look they had down for years: He’s crazy.
“Why don’t you go out with Sally?She has a great rack!” Greg said.
“Right on, brotha!” Brad fist pumped him.
Tom made a dismissing gesture. “I’m not in the mood. Maybe later. “
Greg and Brad looked at each other again: Yup, he’s totally crazy.

Author’s note: tom is the anal retentive one, but not to the same extent as Christina in truth. Christina is more sarcastic and bitter in this. Lorelai is mostly a side character. There are surprises for the “Faggy Twos.”

author's note: i'll TRY to update once a week.